Now I'm doing my final year project. For the first 3 weeks, we are training ourselves on Cisco for Netriders. Everyday, teacher gives us lectures, practicals and quizzes. Can you imagine the whole day you are staring at the computer choosing the correct answer and press the submit button. FYPJ really make my daily routine like a robot and become fat. This is how to routine go:
wake up at 6.45am
reach school before 8.30am
stare at comp and use brain juice or maybe not
leave school at 6pm
go home, eat, bath, stare at comp again
sleep before 10pm
Same thing happens
Same thing happens
OMG!!! What a bored routine...=__=||| I only excited for rushing to school just to click the "clock in" button. LOL. I need motivation. RAWR!!!!
Another thing is what project i'm doing actually after the Netriders??? I have no idea. Guess i'll know it soon or later. 10 more weeks to go. My results also coming out on this coming tuesday. ARGH!!! i'm so worried about my ITSM module...ARGH!!!!!
Other than that, i have another problem. Should i say it here or shouldn't? All i can say is LONG STORY!!