i'm so crazy over badges. now my bag is almost full of badges. those two badges with dbsk and beast wordings, the edges are quite shape. so becareful been scratched by them...
비스트/beast/b2st동방신기/dong bang shin ki/tohoshinki/東方神起/TVXQ
today after jap lesson, i had my lunch at koufu with peis. 昼ごはんの後でブギスに行きました.
we met ah mei there. haha...today we went to ブギス like a lot of motives. LOL...first, we exchanged ah mei's skirt from red to black. Then, ah mei bought a cute,lovely shoes. We walked around and went piercing. i had my second piercing at my left ear. HEHE...hmm...when the gun punched, i jumped. =_=...LOL...i bought an earings too. But is still the same one. pink starry.
in ブギス street, there are singapore poly students who were walking around with signboards and BALLOONS....peis and i took one but after that we gave its to two little kids.
We went bai bai at the temple. =D. blessings that she will be fine. she will be fine. she really really will be fine. =D.
after that, we went to OG. hehe...girls shopping.